My Baby Seems Comforted When Play With My Nipple

Many mothers feel guilty for breastfeeding their babe for comfort or as they drift off to slumber. Breastfeeding your child to sleep and for comfort is not a bad thing to do– in fact, information technology'due south normal, good for you, and developmentally appropriate. Most babies nurse to sleep and wake 1-3 times during the dark for the outset year or so. Some babies don't exercise this, just they are the exception, not the rule. Many children, if given the choice, prefer to nurse to sleep through the 2nd year and across. I've never seen a disarming reason why mothers shouldn't use this wonderful tool that we've been given.

Breastfeeding is manifestly designed to comfort and assist a child sleep. Breastfeeding calms a child and can even help your kid handle stress better when not breastfeeding (Beijers et al, 2013). Sucking releases the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) in both mother and babe, which results in a sleepy feeling (Uvnäs-Moberg et al, 1993). In improver, breastmilk as well contains sleep-inducing hormones, amino acids, and  nucleotides, whose concentrations are college during the nighttime and may actually help babies plant their ain circadian rhythms  (Sánchez et al, 2009, Cohen et al, 2012).


If breastfeeding your child to sleep and/or nursing your child for comfort is working for Yous and your family unit, that's all that actually matters! Breastfeeding is not only nourishing; it's besides nurturing. Your breast is a wonderful place of comfort and security to your child, non just a "feeding trough". The time spent breastfeeding your child is a very curt period in the full life of your kid, but the memories of your beloved and availability will terminal him a lifetime. Trust that your child will fall asleep on his own in time, and enjoy every sleepy moment while information technology lasts.f

"You are not a pacifier; you are a Mom. You are the sun, the moon, the earth, you are liquid love, you are warmth, you are security, you are comfort in the very deepest aspect of the meaning of comfort.... but you are not a pacifier!" -- Paula Yount

Following are some Ofttimes Asked Questions…

  • My child sometimes nurses for comfort, when he's plain non hungry. Is this a problem?
  • Am I creating a bad addiction by allowing baby to breastfeed to sleep?
  • What almost letting baby "cry it out?"
  • I've been told that my child will NEVER learn to go to sleep on his ain if we don't teach him…
  • How will my kid go to slumber when I'1000 not there to breastfeed him, or after he weans?
  • How tin can I gently encourage my child to fall asleep without breastfeeding (and without crying)?
  • My child wants to comfort nurse the unabridged fourth dimension he's napping! How can I slip away without waking him?
  • My toddler wants to comfort nurse forever when he's trying to fall asleep.
  • Additional resource

My child sometimes nurses for comfort, when he'due south obviously non hungry. Is this a problem?

Comfort nursing is normal. If baby were not comfort nursing he would demand to be sucking on his hands or on a pacifier. The chest was the first pacifier and the one that all others are modeled after, so don't exist afraid to allow babe to employ information technology in this way. There are studies that show that comfort nursing is healthy for your child, too. All babies demand to suck – some more others. Information technology ensures that they survive. If your infant seems to be comfort nursing all the fourth dimension and this is more than you lot can handle, keep in listen that this volition probably ease some as time goes by. In the meantime, you may find that carrying infant in a sling or a carrier on your body will lessen his demand to comfort nurse and then much. He may only need to be close to y'all at times and seeks out nursing as a way to do that.

Condolement nursing serves a purpose, too. Studies seem to indicate that this type of sucking overall decreases a babe'due south heart rate and lets him relax. It seems to take a very positive event on his whole concrete and emotional well-being. Don't exist afraid to allow this blazon of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is more than just imparting fluids and nourishment. It'south a style to nurture your kid every bit well.

Am I creating a bad habit past allowing baby to breastfeed to sleep?

Your kid's desire to nurse to sleep is very normal and not a bad habit you've fostered. Don't be afraid to nurse your baby to sleep or fear that y'all are perpetuating a bad habit. Baby oftentimes volition seek the chest when sleepy or over-stimulated because it's a comforting and familiar place to him. To acquaintance the chest with wanting to relax plenty to get to sleep makes perfect sense. As adults, nosotros also do things to relax ourselves so we tin become to slumber: we read, watch TV, go something warm to drinkable or a snack, deep breathe, get all snug under the covers, etc. Breastfeeding does the same affair for your infant.

For many babies at the height of exploration or distractibility, nighttime or naptime can often be the Just time the babe will nurse well. Allowing him to nurse at these times when he is more than focused on nursing and less intent on other things helps ensures that he gets enough milk, that your supply is maintained, and that the nursing relationship goes on. Don't be afraid to nurse at these times or fear that yous are perpetuating a bad habit. Instead, take advantage of these times for better nursing.

The sleep issue is not simply a matter of good versus bad habits. Information technology is much more an issue of culture and lifestyle and expectations. Here are 3 approaches to parenting issues:

  • Forcing baby to change to fit the parent'due south lifestyle is i approach. Our American culture tends not to exist very infant friendly, and rarely makes accommodations for breastfeeding babies. The current tendency, seen in many pop books and parenting magazines, is to strength infant to do all of the accommodating and then that nosotros feel equally picayune modify in our pre-baby lifestyle as possible; for example, baby MUST sleep through the night and then that we get unbroken sleep and a "skillful" baby is seen as one who makes equally few demands on his parents as possible.
  • Another approach is to endeavour to approximate the mothering style of traditional societies and let the parents do all the accommodating. This arroyo can be very hard to pull off without lots of back up and changes of expectations in the people around us.
  • A third approach is to do as much all-around on the parental side as possible, and and so to "ask" baby to arrange the final part of the gap. This is an approach that can work for many families. With this approach, parents do all they tin can to be sensitive to their baby'due south needs, and simply ask infant to suit when nothing else truly works.

What near letting baby "cry it out?"

There are two schools of idea about getting babies to slumber. Ane is a rather rigid method of "sleep preparation" where a baby is put down awake in a crib and left to cry himself to sleep so that he learns to "self-soothe" and doesn't develop sleep associations that require someone else to put him to sleep. This method has been around since the 1890's and was dreamed up by male university sleep laboratory researchers. Many of the popular "sleep training" methods of today are modified versions of this (allowing baby to cry for progressively longer periods without comforting him, instead of just leaving him to cry until he gives upwardly and stops).

I can't, with expert conscience, recommend the cry-information technology-out method for getting baby to sleep. Anyone who advises you to let your baby cry until he gives up and falls asleep is focusing on the baby's behavior (going to sleep by himself) and not on how the baby feels in the process. In my stance, this "sleep training" ofttimes creates an unhealthy attitude about slumber: after going through this grooming, baby tends to view sleep as a fearful state to enter into and to remain in. Parents often need to "retrain" baby if there is whatever break in the usual routine. In addition, it tin can condition parents to ignore baby's cries, and break downwardly the relationship of trust between parent and child.

Younger babies, in item, do non have that sense of "object permanence" and if mom leaves them to cry, they are developmentally unable to realize that she is but in the next room. All babe knows is that he has been abandoned and that mom is not there. A immature baby can only express his needs through crying. A babe who is left to cry alone volition eventually terminate crying considering he has abased all hope that assist will come: as far as he tin can tell, no one cares plenty to listen, or come and provide condolement. In the volume Our Babies, Ourselves: How Biological science and Civilisation Shape the Way We Parent, anthropology professor Meredith Small writes, "When signals are missed, babies terminate signalling; they withdraw; they suck their thumbs; they turn away; they try to right the system themselves by not sending out any more signals." The baby protects himself past shutting down, and "accepts" the situation because he has learned that a response is not forthcoming. Crying is also hard, physically, on baby: it can pb to hoarseness that can last for days; the digestive system is upset; stress hormones ascension; center rates can climb to levels over 200 beats per infinitesimal; and oxygen levels in the blood are diminished.

Another schoolhouse of thought, which I subscribe to, discourages viewing slumber as a state you tin force a baby into. Instead, it's all-time to create a sleep-inducing surround that allows sleep to overtake the baby. The process of breastfeeding itself regulates baby's temperature and eye rate and lowers his claret pressure, and puts him to sleep. This helps your baby develop a good for you attitude about sleep, where baby views slumber equally a safety, comforting, natural state.

I've been told that my child will NEVER learn to get to sleep on his ain if we don't teach him…

Never? It is normal, natural and salubrious for your child to fall asleep nursing. Breastfeeding children fall asleep so speedily – how tin can annihilation so perfectly designed be worrisome? I've read a lot virtually babies' sleep patterns, and I've talked to many moms about this. Both my reading, my personal experience, and the experiences of other moms has convinced me that falling asleep without breastfeeding is a developmental milestone that your child will reach when he is ready. The start step often comes when your baby starts to nurse to sleep then stops nursing, rolls away and goes to sleep on his own. Or perhaps he will fall asleep in Daddy'south arms when he'southward walking with him. These incidents may not happen very often at beginning, but they are the outset footstep and practice make yous realize that it IS possible for your child to autumn asleep past himself.

At that place are countless numbers of children who accept been nursed to sleep and nursed during the night from birth who eventually learn to fall asleep on their own without the breast. You don't take to teach them to do this. They reach this equally a milestone – when they're physically, developmentally, and emotionally set. You can attempt to speed this process along by putting baby to bed before he's asleep, but always nursing him to sleep will not proceed him from learning this on his own.

My daughter started to occasionally fall asleep on her own (or with her Dad) when she was around eleven-12 months. Knowing that she could get to slumber without me right in that location really helped, fifty-fifty though she didn't do it too often. As fourth dimension passes, she'due south fallen asleep without nursing more than and more than. Nosotros did not "teach" her to do this, or even particularly encourage it. It has simply been a natural developmental progression that came about as she was set up for it.

How will my child go to slumber when I'm not in that location to breastfeed him, or later he weans?

Many moms are worried virtually how their child will get to sleep when he enters daycare or weans, and experience that they must teach him to sleep independently before this fourth dimension. This is really not necessary, and tin can add lots of stress to something that is already a big transition for your child. Children are very adjustable and will notice new ways to go to sleep when mom is non in that location. Your child and his other caregiver(s) volition piece of work things out just fine, and they will discover new ways to comfort that work great for both of them. The aforementioned volition happen when your kid weans.

How can I gently encourage my child to fall asleep without breastfeeding (and without crying)?

First, think that if breastfeeding to sleep is not a problem for you, your child will discontinue it on his own without help from you. If you'd like to try to advance the process, read on…

Try transitioning from breastfeeding your child totally to sleep, to breastfeeding him almost comatose; then to merely really relaxed, and and so somewhen to no breastfeeding at all to go to sleep. The procedure may take a long time, or it may not. If yous'll start out taking information technology every bit gradually every bit you possibly tin can, information technology will probably work better and you'll avoid possible bug and frustrations for both you and your infant.

You might first by lying down with him in the bed he will sleep in for naps, or on the floor, etc. – wherever he will exist sleeping. Don't insist that he sleep in the crib if he doesn't desire to. Your goal at this signal it to get him comfortable enough and secure enough to become to sleep on his own. Yous don't want that made more than difficult past whatever fears of being solitary in his crib.

Afterwards he is okay with breastfeeding to sleep in this way, yous might try nursing him till he's almost asleep; optics airtight, heavy breathing but not completely out. So transition to nursing just till he is relaxed and settled from all the activity prior to the nursing session. When he has washed well with y'all leaving after just nursing this long, then y'all can attempt to transition him to going to sleep entirely on his own. You might offering him a favorite toy, book, etc. Requite him a kiss and a hug and tell him "night dark" in a way that is upbeat and positive. Try to have naptime and bedtime at the same fourth dimension every day with a routine that he can begin to recognize and expect. For example, have naptime every day after lunchtime or accept bedtime every nighttime after snack or bathtime. That manner he knows what to expect. You might even remind him that naptime or bedtime are coming and talk excitedly nearly information technology. For an older baby or toddler, inquire him what he would like to have to bed with him; talk virtually the place he will sleep, how nice information technology is, etc. Let him to have the low-cal on if he wishes or the door open or whatever he wants in the bed with him – don't fight him on the footling things.

Once again, your goal is to get him to a comfortable enough place that he feels secure enough to go to sleep without nursing and by himself.

My kid wants to condolement nurse the entire time he's napping! How can I slip abroad without waking him?

It'south really non unusual for children to wish to breastfeed while napping. They do grow out of information technology somewhen. There are a couple of things that you could attempt to help y'all to slip abroad.

Depending upon how big he is, you might permit him proceed to slumber latched on, but have him in a carrier (sling, wrap, etc.) and so y'all tin get up and do things while he sleeps.

Yous tin also work on slipping away after your child goes to sleep. Make sure he is deeply asleep and no longer swallowing before you lot try this (you may have to expect a while). He'll so be doing what we sometimes telephone call "flutter sucking" or condolement sucking, a actually light suck. When a baby is in a light sleep, you'll see facial grimaces, partially clenched fists, muscle twitches, fluttering eyelids, and overall tense musculus tone. Y'all tin can recognize deep sleep past an almost motionless face, regular animate, still eyelids, and especially the limp-limb sign — arms dangling weightlessly at baby's sides, easily open and muscles relaxed.

Once your kid is in a deep slumber, try and slip abroad very slowly. One thing that sometimes helps is to slip a finger in his oral fissure nearly the nipple, so ease the nipple out so he is simply sucking your finger. Then yous can ease your finger out of his rima oris – information technology helps to put a little pressure on infant's bottom lip every bit you exercise this. Past doing this, y'all can often go on baby from waking. Putting something right up adjacent to him that has mom's smell (a t-shirt, pillow, or an animal he sleeps with) also helps.

My children often seem to detect the loss of trunk contact and warmth when I get upwardly. As I'thousand getting up, I continue my hand(southward) on baby for a few moments, and then *gradually* take them away and then the transition isn't so sudden. Baby will commonly stir when I get up, simply often goes back to sleep if I proceed my hands on him till he gets notwithstanding again. If your baby is older, it tin as well exist helpful to put a hard pillow (preferably a warm one that you've been sleeping most) abreast him in the spot where yous were sleeping so that he doesn't feel empty space if he reaches out in his sleep. If baby was resting his anxiety on me (common with mine), and then I'll sometimes even put a pillow under his feet. With an older baby/toddler, I lay him down on top of my pillow if I'grand trying to put him down on the bed when he'south already asleep. (Go along in heed that it's not condom to use pillows with young babies due to SIDS risk.)

It'southward often easier to sideslip away during a nap when you're both lying down. If you're nursing sitting up, the position change may exist waking him – you lot might attempt nursing him on a pillow in your lap and so you lot can just transfer him to a bed or the floor without moving him around as much (once again, younger babies should non be sleeping on or near pillows). If infant wakes when you put him in his crib, you might endeavour moving him to a infant-safe bed or pallet on the floor, instead of his crib – he might nap better in a different place.

This commodity has additional tips for helping babe stay asleep: Let Sleeping Babies Lie – please…

My toddler wants to comfort nurse forever when he's trying to fall asleep.

Sometimes we start to question ourselves (once more, possibly) when we have a breastfeeding toddler who wants to hang out at the breast for hours at bedtime, without ever quite falling asleep. Have yous ever had ane of those nights when yous go along trying to sideslip away, thinking your toddler is asleep, to be interrupted past a sleepy protest every time yous effort to unlatch? The later at night information technology is, the more than yous tin commencement to doubt yourself and wonder if "they" might have been right nigh that "bad habit."

Both of my kids have gone through stages of time (often teething or illness related) when they wanted to stay latched forever, but remember that these are ordinarily only stages that come up and go. If you are willing to allow your toddler proceed to nurse to slumber, rest bodacious that he will acquire to fall comatose on his own, in his own time.

What if the comfort nursing is becoming uncomfortable for you lot, or if you lot only experience that you'd like to movement away from information technology? If you're experiencing discomfort, pull your child closer in and bank check on latch and positioning – remember that even abiding comfort nursing should not be uncomfortable if latch and positioning are equally they should exist (assuming you're not meaning). If you experience the need to gently ease away from nursing to slumber, and then go ahead and do then (run into above for tips) – nursing is a two-way street and in that location is no reason non to have some basic historic period-appropriate "nursing rules" for toddlers. But don't experience that you need to change things just because someone wants to "guilt" you into it — it'due south only a problem if it's adversely affecting your family.

Boosted Resources


  • Sleeping Through the Night
  • Cluster Feeding and Fussy Evenings
  • Frequent Nursing
  • Condom Co-sleeping and bed-sharing
  • Night Weaning
  • Read excerpts from Skillful Nights past Jay Gordon, M.D. and Maria Goodavage (including "Whatsoever ideas on how I can have a fiddling time to myself while my baby naps?")
  • Are you worried that you volition spoil your baby?
  • What should I know about giving my breastfed baby a pacifier?

@ other websites

Comfort Nursing and Nursing to Sleep

  • 5 Cool Things No I Always Told You Nearly Nighttime Breastfeeding from Breastfeeding Chicago
  • When They Demand Yous to Fall Asleep: Cocky-Soothing and Other Myths by Wendy Wisner
  • The Human Pacifier by Lu Hanessian, from New Beginnings Vol. xix No. 1, January-February 2002, p. 14
  • Nursing for Comfort past Teresa Pitman
  • Comfort versus nutrition by Kathryn Orlinsky
  • Normal Infant Sleep: Night Nursing's Importance My child merely goes to sleep nursing by Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D.
  • 8 Baby Sleep Facts Every Parent Should Know from

Controlled Crying

  • PDF Position Paper on Controlled Crying (Sleep Training) from the Australian Clan for Baby Mental Wellness
  • Baby Sleep Training: Mistakes "Experts" and Parents Make: Advice to ignore the needs of babies by Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D.
  • Controlled crying… oops sorry controlled comforting past Sue Cox RN, RM, IBCLC, ABA breastfeeding counsellor
  • Stress in Infancy by Linda Folden Palmer, D.C.
  • Letting Infant "Cry-It-Out" Yes, No! from
  • The Con of Controlled Crying by Pinky McKay
  • Cry Information technology Out: The Potential Dangers of Leaving Your Infant to Cry by Margaret Chuong-Kim
  • Mistaken Approaches to Night Waking by Paul M. Fleiss, MD, MPH, FAAP, fromSweet Dreams: A Pediatrician's Secrets for Baby'south Practiced Nighttime'due south Sleep
  • Children Demand Touching and Attention, Harvard Researchers Say, from the Harvard Gazette


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