Stata Create Categorical Variable From Continuous

This page is archived and no longer maintained.

This is a draft version of this chapter.  Comments and suggestions to improve this draft are welcome.

Chapter Outline
    1. Continuous and Categorical Predictors without Interaction
2. Continuous and Categorical Predictors with Interaction
3. Show slopes for each group
3.1 Show slopes by performing separate analyses
3.2 Show slopes for each group from one analysis
4. Compare slopes across groups
5. Simple effects and simple comparisons of group, strategy 1
5.1 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is 1 sd below mean
5.2 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is at the mean
5.3 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is 1 sd above the mean
6. Simple effects and simple comparisons of group, strategy 2
6.1 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is 1 sd below mean
6.2 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is at the mean
6.3 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is 1 sd above mean
7. Interaction Comparison
8. More on predicted values

Please note: This page makes use of the programs xi3 and postgr3 which are no longer being maintained and has been removed from our archives. References to xi3 and postgr3 will be left on this page because they illustrate specific principles of coding categorical variables.

In this chapter we continue to use the elemapi2 data file which we can use as shown below.

              use, clear            

1. Continuous and Categorical Predictors without Interaction

In this model we have collcat as a categorical variable with 3 levels and meals as continuous variable. We will use reverse Helmert coding for collcat which will be useful for later analyses.

This uses the xi3 command.

              xi3: regress api00 r.collcat meals            
    r.collcat         _Icollcat_1-3       (naturally coded; _Icollcat_1 omitted)        Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     400 -------------+------------------------------           F(  3,   396) =  584.83        Model |  6586951.80     3  2195650.60           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  1486720.20   396  3754.34394           R-squared     =  0.8159 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.8145        Total |  8073672.00   399  20234.7669           Root MSE      =  61.273  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------  _Icollcat_2 |   14.01454   7.627863     1.84   0.067     -.981627    29.01071  _Icollcat_3 |   17.23322   6.581453     2.62   0.009     4.294266    30.17218        meals |  -3.942667   .0988327   -39.89   0.000     -4.13697   -3.748365        _cons |   885.1789   6.718856   131.75   0.000     871.9698     898.388 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If we look at the predicted values, we can see that there are 3 regression lines, each of which are parallel. We graph the predicted values below.

              predict yhat            
    (option xb assumed; fitted values)              
              separate yhat , by(collcat)            
                    storage  display     value variable name   type   format      label      variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yhat1           float  %9.0g                  yhat, collcat == 1 yhat2           float  %9.0g                  yhat, collcat == 2 yhat3           float  %9.0g                  yhat, collcat == 3              
              graph twoway scatter yhat1 yhat2 yhat3 meals, connect(l l l) clpattern(solid longdash dot) msymbol(i i i)            
                    Image statareg7_1              

We drop the variables yhat yhat1 yhat2 yhat3 in case we want to use them later.

              drop yhat yhat1 yhat2 yhat3            

We could also get these results using the postgr3 command.

              postgr3 meals, by(collcat)                          
Variables left asis: meals _Icollcat_2 _Icollcat_3 (option xb assumed; fitted values)
                    Image statareg7_2              

If you wanted to indicate the different groups using different types of lines we could use the clpattern option.

              postgr3 meals, by(collcat) clpattern(solid longdash dot)            
Variables left asis: meals _Icollcat_2 _Icollcat_3 (option xb assumed; fitted values)
                    Image statareg7_3              

2. Continuous and Categorical Predictors with Interaction

The prior analysis assumed that the slopes for the 3 collcat groups are the same. We can test this assumption by including an interaction of collcat by meals.

              xi3: regress api00 r.collcat*meals            
    r.collcat         _Icollcat_1-3       (naturally coded; _Icollcat_1 omitted)        Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     400 -------------+------------------------------           F(  5,   394) =  361.86        Model |  6629929.87     5  1325985.97           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  1443742.12   394  3664.32011           R-squared     =  0.8212 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.8189        Total |     8073672   399  20234.7669           Root MSE      =  60.534  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------  _Icollcat_2 |   10.29492   16.24717     0.63   0.527    -21.64707    42.23691  _Icollcat_3 |   -26.4292   14.31193    -1.85   0.066     -54.5665    1.708093        meals |  -3.859353   .1006356   -38.35   0.000    -4.057203   -3.661503     _Ico2Xme |   .0281506   .2225014     0.13   0.899    -.4092879    .4655891     _Ico3Xme |   .7948911   .2324169     3.42   0.001     .3379588    1.251823        _cons |   882.4703   6.690036   131.91   0.000     869.3176    895.6229 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We can then test overall interaction and we see that the interaction is significant.

              test _Ico2Xme _Ico3Xme            
                    ( 1)  _Ico2Xme = 0.0  ( 2)  _Ico3Xme = 0.0         F(  2,   394) =    5.86             Prob > F =    0.0031              

Again we use the postgr3 command to show the graph of the regression lines between meals and api00 for the 3 levels of collcat and we see that the lines are not parallel (as we would expect because of the significant interaction we found above).

              postgr3 meals, by(collcat) clpattern(solid longdash dot)            
Variables left asis: meals _Icollcat_2 _Icollcat_3 _Ico2Xme _Ico3Xme (option xb assumed; fitted values)
                    Image statareg7_4              

3. Show slopes for each group

3.1 Show slopes by performing separate analyses

We can perform separate analyses by collcat to get slope of meals at each level of collcat.

              bysort collcat : regress api00 meals            
    _______________________________________________________________________________ -> collcat = 1        Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     129 -------------+------------------------------           F(  1,   127) =  664.41        Model |  2617392.53     1  2617392.53           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  500306.775   127  3939.42342           R-squared     =  0.8395 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.8383        Total |  3117699.30   128  24357.0258           Root MSE      =  62.765  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------        meals |  -4.138392   .1605512   -25.78   0.000    -4.456094    -3.82069        _cons |   886.1325   12.52709    70.74   0.000     861.3437    910.9214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  _______________________________________________________________________________ -> collcat = 2        Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     134 -------------+------------------------------           F(  1,   132) =  676.61        Model |  2424781.52     1  2424781.52           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  473049.976   132  3583.71194           R-squared     =  0.8368 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.8355        Total |  2897831.50   133  21788.2068           Root MSE      =  59.864  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------        meals |  -4.110242   .1580147   -26.01   0.000     -4.42281   -3.797673        _cons |   896.4275    10.7427    83.45   0.000     875.1773    917.6776 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  _______________________________________________________________________________ -> collcat = 3        Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     137 -------------+------------------------------           F(  1,   135) =  279.96        Model |  975465.983     1  975465.983           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  470385.375   135  3484.33611           R-squared     =  0.6747 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.6723        Total |  1445851.36   136    10631.26           Root MSE      =  59.028  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------        meals |  -3.329426   .1989864   -16.73   0.000     -3.72296   -2.935892        _cons |   864.8508   11.48996    75.27   0.000     842.1272    887.5744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------              

3.2 Show slopes for each group in one analysis

We can also get the slope of meals at each level of collcat via one overall regression. One way is to dummy code the categorical variable collcat and to create interaction terms with variable meals. The trick is to include all the interaction terms, leaving out both meals and one of the categories of collcat out of the regression. Then the coefficient for each of the interaction terms will be the slope of meals for each group of collcat. In our case, the slope of meals for group 1 of collcat is -4.138392, -4.110242 for group 2 and -3.329426 for group 3 as shown in the regression output below.

              tab collcat, gen(cd)            
              collcat |      Freq.     Percent        Cum. ------------+-----------------------------------           1 |        129       32.25       32.25           2 |        134       33.50       65.75           3 |        137       34.25      100.00 ------------+-----------------------------------       Total |        400      100.00
              gen cdm1 = cd1*meals gen cdm2 = cd2*meals gen cdm3 = cd3*meals            
              . regress api00 cd1 cd2 cdm1 cdm2 cdm3            
              Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     400 -------------+------------------------------           F(  5,   394) =  361.86        Model |  6629929.87     5  1325985.97           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  1443742.13   394  3664.32012           R-squared     =  0.8212 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.8189        Total |  8073672.00   399  20234.7669           Root MSE      =  60.534
------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          cd1 |   21.28174   16.87625     1.26   0.208    -11.89701    54.46049          cd2 |   31.57666   16.02623     1.97   0.050       .06904    63.08428         cdm1 |  -4.138392   .1548438   -26.73   0.000    -4.442816   -3.833969         cdm2 |  -4.110242    .159782   -25.72   0.000    -4.424373    -3.79611         cdm3 |  -3.329426    .204061   -16.32   0.000     -3.73061   -2.928241        _cons |   864.8508   11.78298    73.40   0.000     841.6854    888.0162 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Compare slopes across groups

Compare slopes 3 vs. 1 and 2, 2 vs 1.

              xi3: regress api00 r.collcat*meals            
    r.collcat         _Icollcat_1-3       (naturally coded; _Icollcat_1 omitted)        Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     400 -------------+------------------------------           F(  5,   394) =  361.86        Model |  6629929.87     5  1325985.97           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  1443742.12   394  3664.32011           R-squared     =  0.8212 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.8189        Total |     8073672   399  20234.7669           Root MSE      =  60.534  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------  _Icollcat_2 |   10.29492   16.24717     0.63   0.527    -21.64707    42.23691  _Icollcat_3 |   -26.4292   14.31193    -1.85   0.066     -54.5665    1.708093        meals |  -3.859353   .1006356   -38.35   0.000    -4.057203   -3.661503     _Ico2Xme |   .0281506   .2225014     0.13   0.899    -.4092879    .4655891     _Ico3Xme |   .7948911   .2324169     3.42   0.001     .3379588    1.251823        _cons |   882.4703   6.690036   131.91   0.000     869.3176    895.6229 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              desc _Ico2Xme _Ico3Xme            
                    storage  display     value variable name   type   format      label      variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Ico2Xme        float  %9.0g                  collcat(2 vs. 1)*meals _Ico3Xme        float  %9.0g                  collcat(3 vs. 2-)*meals

slopes 1 and 2 do not differ, but 1 and 2 vs. 3 differ.

5. Simple effects and simple comparisons of group, strategy 1

Test simple effects and simple comparisons of collcat at meals mean-1sd, mean, mean+1sd get mean-1sd, mean, mean+1sd

              summarize meals            
                    Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max -------------+-----------------------------------------------------        meals |     400      60.315    31.9117          0        100              

show graph with lines at each level for simple effect we will test effect of collcat at the 3 places where the vertical lines are drawn in the graph.

              postgr3 meals, by(collcat) clpattern(solid longdash dot) xline(28.4033 60.315 92.2267)                          
Variables left asis: meals _Icollcat_2 _Icollcat_3 _IcolXmeals_2 _IcolXmeals_3 (option xb assumed; fitted values)
                    Image statareg7_5              

5.1 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is 1 sd below mean

              generate mealslow = meals-28.4033            
              . xi3: regress api00 r.collcat*mealslow            
    r.collcat         _Icollcat_1-3       (naturally coded; _Icollcat_1 omitted)        Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     400 -------------+------------------------------           F(  5,   394) =  361.86        Model |  6629929.86     5  1325985.97           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  1443742.14   394  3664.32015           R-squared     =  0.8212 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.8189        Total |     8073672   399  20234.7669           Root MSE      =  60.534  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------  _Icollcat_2 |   11.09449   11.05054     1.00   0.316    -10.63089    32.81988  _Icollcat_3 |   -3.85167    8.95725    -0.43   0.667    -21.46165    13.75831     mealslow |  -3.859353   .1006356   -38.35   0.000    -4.057203   -3.661503     _Ico2Xme |   .0281505   .2225014     0.13   0.899     -.409288    .4655891     _Ico3Xme |    .794891   .2324169     3.42   0.001     .3379587    1.251823        _cons |   772.8519   4.369313   176.88   0.000     764.2618     781.442 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Below we show the simple effect of collcat when meals is one standard deviation below the mean (i.e. when meals is 28.4033).

              test _Icollcat_2 _Icollcat_3            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 = 0.0  ( 2)  _Icollcat_3 = 0.0         F(  2,   394) =    0.64             Prob > F =    0.5277

If we want a simple comparison of 2 vs 1 at 28.4 we can simply inspect the test for _Icollcat_2 since this compares levels 2 and 1 of collcat.

We can obtain predicted values for when collcat is 1 and 2 at meals=28.4 as shown below.

              lincom _cons + -.5*_Icollcat_2 + -.333333*_Icollcat_3            
                    ( 1) - .5 _Icollcat_2 - .333333 _Icollcat_3 + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   768.5885   8.362915    91.90   0.000      752.147    785.0301 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              lincom _cons +  .5*_Icollcat_2 + -.333333*_Icollcat_3            
                    ( 1)  .5 _Icollcat_2 - .333333 _Icollcat_3 + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |    779.683   7.223292   107.94   0.000      765.482     793.884 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We can obtain the simple comparison that compares level 3 of collcat vs levels 1 and 2 combined when meals is 28.4 by inspecting the coefficient for _Icollcat_3. We can obtain predicted values for levels 1 and 2 of collcat combined and for level 3 of collcat when meals=28.4 as shown below.

              lincom _cons + 0*_Icollcat_2 + -.333333*_Icollcat_3            
                    ( 1) - .333333 _Icollcat_3 + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   774.1358   5.525266   140.11   0.000     763.2731    784.9985 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              lincom _cons + 0*_Icollcat_2 +  .666667*_Icollcat_3            
                    ( 1)  .666667 _Icollcat_3 + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   770.2841   7.050091   109.26   0.000     756.4236    784.1446 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.2 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is at the mean

We can obtain simple effects and simple comparisons of collcat when meals is at the mean much like we did above, as shown below.

              generate mealsmn = meals-(60.315)            
              . xi3: regress api00 r.collcat*mealsmn            
    r.collcat         _Icollcat_1-3       (naturally coded; _Icollcat_1 omitted)        Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     400 -------------+------------------------------           F(  5,   394) =  361.86        Model |  6629929.87     5  1325985.97           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  1443742.12   394  3664.32011           R-squared     =  0.8212 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.8189        Total |     8073672   399  20234.7669           Root MSE      =  60.534  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------  _Icollcat_2 |   11.99283   7.617381     1.57   0.116    -2.982969    26.96862  _Icollcat_3 |   21.51465   6.649319     3.24   0.001      8.44207    34.58724      mealsmn |  -3.859353   .1006356   -38.35   0.000    -4.057203   -3.661503     _Ico2Xme |   .0281506   .2225014     0.13   0.899     -.409288    .4655891     _Ico3Xme |   .7948911   .2324169     3.42   0.001     .3379587    1.251823        _cons |   649.6934   3.122175   208.09   0.000     643.5552    655.8316 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

simple effect of collcat at meals=mean

              test  _Icollcat_2 _Icollcat_3            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 = 0.0  ( 2)  _Icollcat_3 = 0.0         F(  2,   394) =    6.31             Prob > F =    0.0020

The simple comparison of 2 vs 1 at when meals is 60.3 can be seen in the test of _Icollcat_2 and the simple comparison of 3 vs 2 and 1 when meals is 60.3 can be seen in the test of _Icollcat_3.

5.3 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is 1 sd above the mean

The simple effects and simple comparisons of collcat when meals is one standard deviation above the mean (i.e. 60.315+ 31.9117) is illustrated below.

              generate mealshi = meals - 92.2267            
              . xi3: regress api00 r.collcat*mealshi            
    r.collcat         _Icollcat_1-3       (naturally coded; _Icollcat_1 omitted)        Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     400 -------------+------------------------------           F(  5,   394) =  361.86        Model |  6629929.87     5  1325985.97           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  1443742.13   394  3664.32012           R-squared     =  0.8212 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.8189        Total |     8073672   399  20234.7669           Root MSE      =  60.534  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------  _Icollcat_2 |   12.89116   9.734782     1.32   0.186    -6.247452    32.02977  _Icollcat_3 |   46.88098   10.87258     4.31   0.000     25.50546     68.2565      mealshi |  -3.859353   .1006356   -38.35   0.000    -4.057203   -3.661503     _Ico2Xme |   .0281506   .2225014     0.13   0.899    -.4092879    .4655891     _Ico3Xme |   .7948911   .2324169     3.42   0.001     .3379587    1.251823        _cons |   526.5349   4.586059   114.81   0.000     517.5186    535.5511 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

simple effects of collcat when meals = mean + 1sd

              test  _Icollcat_2 _Icollcat_3            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 = 0.0  ( 2)  _Icollcat_3 = 0.0         F(  2,   394) =   10.61             Prob > F =    0.0000

The simple comparison of 2 vs. 1 at when meals is 92.22 can be seen in the test of _Icollcat_2 and the simple comparison of 3 vs. 2 and 1 when meals is 92.22 can be seen in the test of _Icollcat_3.

6. Simple effects and simple comparisons of group, strategy 2

This strategy shows how to do these same comparisons all via one model.

              xi3: regress api00 r.collcat*meals            
    r.collcat         _Icollcat_1-3       (naturally coded; _Icollcat_1 omitted)        Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     400 -------------+------------------------------           F(  5,   394) =  361.86        Model |  6629929.87     5  1325985.97           Prob > F      =  0.0000     Residual |  1443742.12   394  3664.32011           R-squared     =  0.8212 -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.8189        Total |     8073672   399  20234.7669           Root MSE      =  60.534  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------  _Icollcat_2 |   10.29492   16.24717     0.63   0.527    -21.64707    42.23691  _Icollcat_3 |   -26.4292   14.31193    -1.85   0.066     -54.5665    1.708093        meals |  -3.859353   .1006356   -38.35   0.000    -4.057203   -3.661503     _Ico2Xme |   .0281506   .2225014     0.13   0.899    -.4092879    .4655891     _Ico3Xme |   .7948911   .2324169     3.42   0.001     .3379588    1.251823        _cons |   882.4703   6.690036   131.91   0.000     869.3176    895.6229 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6.1 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is 1 sd below mean

test simple effect of collcat when meals is one standard deviation below the mean, i.e. 28.403.

              test _Icollcat_2+ 28.403*_Ico2Xme =0            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 + 28.403 _Ico2Xme = 0.0         F(  1,   394) =    1.01             Prob > F =    0.3160
              test _Icollcat_3+ 28.403*_Ico3Xme =0, accum            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 + 28.403 _Ico2Xme = 0.0  ( 2)  _Icollcat_3 + 28.403 _Ico3Xme = 0.0         F(  2,   394) =    0.64             Prob > F =    0.5277

Compare collcat groups 2 vs. 1 when meals is at 28.403.

              lincom _Icollcat_2+ 28.403*_Ico2Xme            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 + 28.403 _Ico2Xme = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   11.09449   11.05058     1.00   0.316      -10.631    32.81997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

obtain predicted values for collcat groups 1 and 2 when meals is 28.403.

              lincom _cons + -.5*_Icollcat_2 + -.333333*_Icollcat_3 + 28.403*meals + ///          (-.5*28.403)*_Ico2Xme + (-.333333*28.403)*_Ico3Xme            
                    ( 1) - .5 _Icollcat_2 - .333333 _Icollcat_3 + 28.403 meals        - 14.2015 _Ico2Xme - 9.467657 _Ico3Xme + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   768.5898   8.362951    91.90   0.000     752.1482    785.0314 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              lincom _cons +  .5*_Icollcat_2 + -.333333*_Icollcat_3 + 28.403*meals + ///                                            ( .5*28.403)*_Ico2Xme + (-.333333*28.403)*_Ico3Xme            
                    ( 1)  .5 _Icollcat_2 - .333333 _Icollcat_3 + 28.403 meals +         14.2015 _Ico2Xme - 9.467657 _Ico3Xme + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   779.6843   7.223325   107.94   0.000     765.4832    793.8853 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

test simple comparison when mean-1sd, 1 and 2 vs 3.

              lincom  _Icollcat_3 + 28.403*_Ico3Xme                          
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_3 + 28.403 _Ico3Xme = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |  -3.851909   8.957298    -0.43   0.667    -21.46198    13.75817 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------              

obtain predicted values for groups 1 and 2 vs 3.

              lincom _cons +   0*_Icollcat_2 + -.333333*_Icollcat_3 + 28.403*meals + ///                            (0*28.403)*_Ico2Xme + (-.333333*28.403)*_Ico3Xme            
                    ( 1) - .333333 _Icollcat_3 + 28.403 meals - 9.467657 _IcolXmeals_3 + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |    774.137    5.52529   140.11   0.000     763.2743    784.9998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              lincom _cons +   0*_Icollcat_2 +  .666667*_Icollcat_3 + 28.403*meals + ///                            (0*28.403)*_Ico2Xme + ( .666667*28.403)*_Ico3Xme            
                    ( 1)  .666667 _Icollcat_3 + 28.403 meals + 18.93534 _Ico3Xme + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   770.2851   7.050132   109.26   0.000     756.4245    784.1457 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6.2 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is at the mean

test simple effect when meals = mean

              test _Icollcat_2+ 60.315*_Ico2Xme =0            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 + 60.315 _Ico2Xme = 0.0         F(  1,   394) =    2.48             Prob > F =    0.1162
              test _Icollcat_3+ 60.315*_Ico3Xme =0, accum            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 + 60.315 _Ico2Xme = 0.0  ( 2)  _Icollcat_3 + 60.315 _Ico3Xme = 0.0         F(  2,   394) =    6.31             Prob > F =    0.0020

test simple comparison 2 vs. 1.

              lincom _Icollcat_2+ 60.315*_Ico2Xme            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 + 60.315 _Ico2Xme = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   11.99283   7.617381     1.57   0.116    -2.982967    26.96862 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

test simple comparison 1 and 2 vs. 3

              lincom _Icollcat_3+ 60.315*_Ico3Xme                          
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_3 + 60.315 _Ico3Xme = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   21.51465   6.649319     3.24   0.001     8.442072    34.58724 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6.3 Simple effects and comparisons when meals is 1 sd above mean

test simple effect when mean+1sd

              test _Icollcat_2+ 92.23*_Ico2Xme =0            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 + 92.23 _Ico2Xme = 0.0         F(  1,   394) =    1.75             Prob > F =    0.1862
              test _Icollcat_3+ 92.23*_Ico3Xme =0, accum            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 + 92.23 _Ico2Xme = 0.0  ( 2)  _Icollcat_3 + 92.23 _Ico3Xme = 0.0         F(  2,   394) =   10.61             Prob > F =    0.0000

test simple comparison 2 vs. 1

              lincom _Icollcat_2+ 92.23*_Ico2Xme            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_2 + 92.23 _IcolXmeals_2 = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   12.89125   9.735245     1.32   0.186    -6.248268    32.03078 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

test simple comparison 1 and 2 vs. 3.

              lincom _Icollcat_3+ 92.23*_Ico3Xme            
                    ( 1)  _Icollcat_3 + 92.23 _IcolXmeals_3 = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |    46.8836   10.87319     4.31   0.000     25.50688    68.26033 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. interaction comparisoin

We can compare the size of the effect of collcat at one level of meals to the size of the effect of collcat at another level of meals.

test whether 1 vs 2 effect at comparing mean to mean-1sd

              lincom (_Icollcat_2+ 60.315*_Ico2Xme) - (_Icollcat_2+ 28.403*_Ico2Xme)                          
                    ( 1)  31.912 _IcolXmeals_2 = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   .8983417   7.100466     0.13   0.899     -13.0612    14.85788 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

same as

              lincom 31.912 * _Ico2Xme            
                    ( 1)  31.912 _Ico2Xme = 0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   .8983401   7.100466     0.13   0.899     -13.0612    14.85788 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------              

notice is the same as below after rounding error.

              display 12.89125-11.99283            

test whether 1 and 2 vs 3 effect at comparing mean-1sd to mean

              lincom (_Icollcat_3+ 60.315*_Ico3Xme) - (_Icollcat_3 + 28.403*_Ico3Xme)            
                    ( 1)  31.912 _Ico3Xme = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   25.36656   7.416888     3.42   0.001     10.78494    39.94819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

same as

              lincom 31.915 * _Ico3Xme                          
                    ( 1)  31.915 _Ico3Xme = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   25.36895   7.417585     3.42   0.001     10.78595    39.95194 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

notice is the same as

              display 46.8836 - 21.51465                          

8. More on predicted values

show how to get predicted values, also known as adjusted means in ancova terminology. get predicted values for group 1, 2, 3 when meals=21

              lincom _cons + 21*meals +  -.5*_Icollcat_2 + -.333333*_Icollcat_3 + ///                                            (21*-.5)*_Ico2Xme + (21*-.33333)*_Ico3Xme            
                    ( 1) - .5 _Icollcat_2 - .333333 _Icollcat_3 + 21.0 meals - 10.5 _Ico2Xme       - 6.99993 _Ico3Xme + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   799.2263   9.275135    86.17   0.000     780.9914    817.4613 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------              
              lincom _cons + 21*meals +   .5*_Icollcat_2 + -.333333*_Icollcat_3 + ///                                            (21* .5)*_Ico2Xme + (21*-.33333)*_Ico3Xme                            ( 1)  .5 _Icollcat_2 - .333333 _Icollcat_3 + 21.0 meals + 10.5 _IcolXmeals_2 -         6.99993 _IcolXmeals_3 + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   810.1124   8.084814   100.20   0.000     794.2177    826.0072 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------            
              . lincom _cons + 21*meals +    0*_Icollcat_2 +  .666667*_Icollcat_3 + ///                                            (21*  0)*_Ico2Xme + (21* .66667)*_Ico3Xme            
                    ( 1)  .666667 _Icollcat_3 + 21.0 meals + 14.00007 _Ico3Xme + _cons = 0.0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------        api00 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------          (1) |   794.9329   8.152465    97.51   0.000     778.9051    810.9607 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------              

in case we don't trust our computations, use predict command to verify that we have gotten the correct predicted values. use the predict command and then look at predicted values when meals is 21 for each level of collcat. This works because we checked to see that we really do have meals=21 in our data file for each level of collcat.

              predict pred            
    (option xb assumed; fitted values)              
              list meals collcat _Icollcat_2 _Icollcat_3 pred if meals==21            
                    meals    collcat  _Icollca~2  _Icollca~3       pred  30.   21          1         -.5  -.33333333   799.2263 179.   21          2          .5  -.33333333   810.1124 208.   21          2          .5  -.33333333   810.1124 338.   21          3           0   .66666667   794.9329 377.   21          3           0   .66666667   794.9329              
              log close    


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